Our first 2023 ethics journal club was held on Friday March 31. You can watch the recording of the session. We reviewed the article Rosenberg & Schwartz (2018). Guidance or compliance: What makes an ethical behavior analyst. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 12, 473-482, which was the foundation for the International Behavior Analyst Organization’s Ethical Decision Making Model.
All viewers should read the journal article in advance and be prepared to join a discussion based on prompts and questions created. A copy of the journal article is available under Journal Club Overview. It is also recommended to review your relevant ethics code(s) (BACB and/or IBAO) as we will be referencing these during our time together. Links to the ethics codes are also available under Journal Club Overview.
If after reviewing the recording, you are interested in continuing the conversation, you can join our Continue the Conversations: Ethics Case Scenarios live CEUs. These are held at various times throughout the year. They are non-recorded ethics CEUs where participants can bring ethical case studies to review and discuss with other participants.